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6) Project 6 - Page Design

Post to FB half hour before next class

Access the project details by clicking on the image at left. Click on the grey button below for initial setup and other InDesign tips. The link is to a YouTube playlist where I walk you through the assignment (Parts 1-3). Part 4 is a tutorial on how to do text wraparounds in InDesign and a tutorial on how to do a cut-out in Photoshop. Although a cutout is not required.

Page Setup
Body Text and Keynote PDF

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For "reading/viewing" schedule see links on the schedule page.


Go to Click on "sign in." Click on "Sign in with your organizational portal." Then enter "" then enter your BYU net ID and password and you will have a free account.  The main Indesign tutorial listed on the schedule is here.


The Adobe Cloud subscription is available via the bookstore for $99 a year. If you just need InDesign for this class, can go here for just InDesign. You want "Individuals," "Single App" (Indesign), "Monthly." The price should be around $30. That's the cheapest it gets. So you need two months of this block class. So for $39 more, if you go to to the bookstore, you can get the entire Adobe Cloud suite for a year. 

Some part-time student employees can get the Adobe Suite if approved by their supervisor for free.

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