Digital Magazine Design

10 Fundamental Rules of Designing for Digital Magazines
Tips for Planning a Tablet App
The Guardian Ipad Edition
Overview of Folio Builder
Intro to Adobe Digital Publishing (Folio Building)
YouTube Tutorials
Creating multi-state objects
Document Setup
When creating a new document in inDesign, choose Intent/Digital Publishing, and then page size, iPad. Choose and use only one orientaiton throughout your project.
Front Cover (1 page)
Logo, tagline, 3-4 cover teasers, month/year. Dynamic image with strong focal point. Teasers will be programmed to jump to article page when tapped.
Table of Contents (1-2 Pages)
Table of Centents logo/standing head. Month/year, Features section with minimum of six feature with titles, teaser lines and page number. departments section. Departments section with minimum five department titles and page numbers. Creative use of images. Folio.
Letter From The Editor (1 page)
Standing head, headline, body text in scrollable frame, photo, pull quote?, folio.
Feature Spread A (3 pages)
Dynamic, dominant image(s), creative headline, several inches of text, byline, folio, other elements. Third page is body copy, pull quote and interactive photo slide show.
Feature Spread B (2 pages)
Same idea as above, except no 3rd page.
Interactive Department Page
This builds on our infobox assignment. A department page with interactive infobox or infographic; programmed using images and interactive buttons. Different than the basic slide show on page three of Feature Spread A.